Hosted Seminars

Here you can find a list of seminars I have organized. Those cover a range of topics including machine learning, computer science, and applications. Some of the topics covered include:

  • Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes
  • Bayesian symbolic regression
  • Differentiable programming
  • Mental representations in human planning
  • Deep reinforcement learning for racing video games
  • Code generation
  • Graph grammar learning for molecular generation
  • Automatic compiler error fixing

The seminars include speaker from MIT, Princeton University, Microsoft, Sony, the Broad Institute and others.

  1. Title: Analysis of 6.4 million SARS-CoV-2 genomes identifies mutations associated with fitness Speaker: Jacob E Lemieux Affiliation: MGH, Broad Institute Video link:
  2. Title: Bayesian symbolic regression and the learnability of closed-form mathematical models Speaker: Roger Guimera Affiliation: ICREA, Catalonia Video link:
  3. Title: Differentiable Programming via Differentiable Search of Program Structures Speaker: He Zhu Affiliation: Rutgers University Video link:
  4. Title: Construction of mental representations in human planning Speaker: Mark Ho Affiliation: Princeton University Video link:
  5. Title: Outracing champion Gran Turismo drivers with deep reinforcement learning Speaker: Thomas Walsh Affiliation: Sony Video link:
  6. Title: Competition-Level Code Generation with AlphaCode Speaker: Yujia Li Affiliation: DeepMind Video link:
  7. Title: Data-Efficient Graph Grammar Learning for Molecular Generation Speaker: Minghao Guo Affiliation: MIT CSAIL Video link:
  8. Title: An Introduction to Symbolic Regression with PySR and SymbolicRegression.jl Speaker: Miles Cranmer Affiliation: Princeton Video link:
  9. Title: Learning to automatically fix compiler errors in C Speaker: Jose Cambronero Affiliation: Microsoft Video link:
  10. Title: Generating code that activates our brains Speaker: Shashank Srikant Affiliation: MIT CSAIL Video link: